National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management (NIFTEM)
(Ministry of Food Processing Industries)
Plot No.97, Sector-56,
HSIIDC Industrial Estate,
District Sonipat,
NIFTEM invites application on prescribed format from interested candidates to fill up the following posts on rolling bassis :
Lab In-charge : 06 posts,
Age : 35 years,
Pay Scale : Rs.9300-34800 grade pay Rs. 4200/-
Lab Technician : 06 posts,
Age : 35 years,
Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 grade pay Rs. 2800/-
How to Apply : Since this is a rolling vacancy, there is no last date, however, Interested candidates should send their complete CV with prescribed proforma at the following address : Registrar, NIFTEM Plot No.97, Sector-56, HSIIDC Industrial Estate, Kundli-131028, District Sonipat, Haryana on or before 22/08/2013 for first batch and candidates can send their applications on or before 22/09/2013 for second batch, 22/10/2013 for third batch, 22/11/2013 for fourth batch, 22/12/2013 for fifth group, 22/01/2014 for sixth group, and 22/02/2014 for last batch.
Details available : for detailed information and application format.
(Ministry of Food Processing Industries)
Plot No.97, Sector-56,
HSIIDC Industrial Estate,
District Sonipat,
NIFTEM invites application on prescribed format from interested candidates to fill up the following posts on rolling bassis :
Lab In-charge : 06 posts,
Age : 35 years,
Pay Scale : Rs.9300-34800 grade pay Rs. 4200/-
Lab Technician : 06 posts,
Age : 35 years,
Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 grade pay Rs. 2800/-
How to Apply : Since this is a rolling vacancy, there is no last date, however, Interested candidates should send their complete CV with prescribed proforma at the following address : Registrar, NIFTEM Plot No.97, Sector-56, HSIIDC Industrial Estate, Kundli-131028, District Sonipat, Haryana on or before 22/08/2013 for first batch and candidates can send their applications on or before 22/09/2013 for second batch, 22/10/2013 for third batch, 22/11/2013 for fourth batch, 22/12/2013 for fifth group, 22/01/2014 for sixth group, and 22/02/2014 for last batch.
Details available : for detailed information and application format.
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