Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Engineering Assistant / Foreman Gr.-I (Mech)
Damodar Valley Corporation Limited

Postal Code: 54
Pay Scale: Rs.15600- 39100/- + GP Rs.5400/-
Educational Requirements: AMIE or full time Bachelor Degree in Engineering / Technology / B.Sc. Engineering in Mechanical / Power Plant Engineering from any recognized College / Institute / University, approved by AICTE.
Date Posted: 08/14/2013
No of Post: 07
How To Apply: Candidates should apply through DVC’s Online Registration System only. The Online Registration will be available on the website and will remain activated from 13.00 hrs of 23.08.2013 to 24.00 hrs of 18.09.2013. No other mode of application will be accepted. Following Information/documents to be kept ready before applying ONLINE :
a) One scanned photograph to be uploaded while applying. Besides, Candidate should arrange to have 4 (four) identical coloured passport photographs duly self attested not older than 3 months of date of application to be stapled with the print out of the Application so made.
b) Details of caste (SC/ST/OBC) certificate like date of issue, certificate no., issuing authority etc. as applicable to the candidate including non-creamy layer certificate for OBC candidates.
c) PH certificate details like percentage of disability, type of disability, issuing authority, etc. as applicable. .
Last Date: 18.09.2013
Details will be available at:

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Graduate Trainee (Library)
Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Address: Librarian, Central Library, Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Postal Code: 600036
City Chennai­
State Tamil Nadu
Pay Scale: Rs.8000/­ p.m.
Educational Requirements: PG degree in Library & Information Science (LIS) from any recognized University, with a minimum of 55% marks
Qualifications: Knowledge of data processing is desirable.
Date Posted: 08/14/2013
No of Post: 08
How To Apply: The candidate must submit  the duly  filled in  application in the standard proforma (up loaded in under the link  “Notices­ Training and Continuing Education Programme” along with a crossed demand draft to the value of Rs.100/­ drawn in  favour of “IIT  Madras” (no fee for SC/ST/PD  candidates) as  application fee. The application fee will not be refunded under any circumstances. The last date for receipt of completed application is 13.09.2013.
Last Date: 13.09.2013
Details will be available at:

Tradesman (Mason Brick)
Metal & Steel Factory

Address: Metal & Steel Factory P.O. Ishapore Nawabganj, Dist-24 Pargana(N)
Postal Code: 743144
State West Bengal
Educational Requirements: (i) Matriculation (ii) National Apprentice Certificate (NAC)/National Trade Certificate (NTC) issued by NCVT.
No of Post: 06
How To Apply: No manual applications would be entertained. The On-line application shall be at The link will remain active from 12-08-2013 to 01-09-2013. Candidate must apply ‘On-line’ through the above mentioned site. Before registering the application on the website, the candidate should possess valid e-mail id., Mobile Number.
Last Date: 01-09-2013
Age Limit: 18-32 Years
Details will be available at:

Oil India Limited
(A Government of India Enterprise)
Duliajan - 786602, Assam

Oil India Limited intends to hire Electrical Engineers on contract basis purely for temporary requirement. The contract would be for about a period of two years, initially for a period of six months, extendable by another three six months term, depending upon requirement and the performance of the individual.  Candidates meeting the following criteria may appear with original mark sheets, certificates and photocopies of the same and 2 passport size photographs for a walk-in interview for engagement on contract basis :
Electrical Engineer: 06 posts on contract basis,
 Experience : 03 years,
Pay :  A consolidated contract fee of Rs. 45000/- plus Rs. 3500/- as accommodation allowance and Rs.1500/- as medical allowance will be paid per month
Walk-In-Interview : on 15/09/2013 from 8.30 am to 12.30 pm at Conference Room, Pipeline Headquarters, Oil India Limited,  Udayan Vihar, Narengi, Guwahati,  Assam - 781171

For further details, please view

Professor Information Technology (Technical)
Ch. Brahm Prakash Government Engineering College

Address: Dholpur House, Shah Jahan Road
Postal Code: 110069
City New Delhi
State Delhi
Pay Scale: Rs.37,400-67,000 + Rs.10,000 (Academic Grade pay)
Employment Type: Temporary.
Educational Requirements: B.E./ B.Tech (CSE/IT/ICT) and ME/M.Tech (CSE/IT/ICT) with First Class or equivalent either in BE/B.Tech or ME/ M.Tech. and Ph.D, or equivalent.
Qualifications: Specialization in any area related to Algorithms/ High Performance Computing/ Software Engg./ Image Processing/ Information System.
No of Post: 01 Posts
How To Apply: Candidates must apply online through the website Applications received through any other mode would not be accepted and summarily rejected.
Last Date: 30/08/2013
Age Limit: 50 Years
Details will be available at:

Trains Clerk
East Central Railway

Address: Recruitment Cell, CPO Office, East Central Railway, Hajipur
Postal Code: 844101
City Vaishali
State Bihar
Pay Scale: Rs. 5200- 20200 GP Rs. 1900
Educational Requirements: Matriculation OR its equivalent with not less than 50% marks in the aggregate.
Qualifications: Candidates who have passes higher qualification can apply irrespective of marks obtained by them in matriculation.
No of Post: 14 Posts
How To Apply: The filled in application along with the required documents should be addressed to the Senior Personnel Officer (Recruitment), Recruitment Cell, CPO Office, East Central Railway, Hajipur (Vaishali) – 844101, Bihar. The application should be sent through proper channel i.e. concerned Personnel Department only. No other mode should be accepted.
Last Date: 30.09.2013
Age Limit: 40 Years
Details will be available at:

Sports Authority of India (SAI)
Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110001

Sports Authority of India invites applications for the following posts for appointment at its various Regional Centres / Sub-Centres / Training Centres spread all over India :
Consultant (Academics) : 01 post,
 Consolidate Remuneration : Rs. 150000/- per month
Assistant Consultant (Academics) : 03 posts, Consolidate Remuneration : Rs. 80000/- per month
Assistant Professor : 29 posts in various Sports Disciplines, Consolidate Remuneration : Rs. 60000/- per month
Assistant Professor : 21 posts in various Sports Science, Consolidate Remuneration : Rs. 60000/- per month
Application Fee :   Rs. 500/- by DD in favour of ‘SECRETARY, SPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA’ payable at New Delhi. No fee is also required to be paid by SC/ST Persons.

How to Apply :  The application form in prescribed format  along with testimonials may be sent on or before 16/09/2013  to The Secretary, Sports Authority of India (SAI), Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium Complex (East Gate),  2nd Floor, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003.

Please view for details and application form. 

National Institute of Siddha (NIS) 
(An Autonomous body under Department of AYUSH), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare) 
Tambaram Sanatorium, Chennai - 600047

Applications in the prescribed format are invited for filling up the following posts in the National Institute of Siddha :
Assistant Professor (Radiology) : 01 Post
Assistant Professor (Forensic Medicine) : 01 Post
Radiologist : 01 post on contract basis
Radiographer : 01 post
Dark Room Assistant (OT) : 01 Post
How to Apply :  The filled in application duly affixed with a recent passport size photograph
should reach the Director, National Institute of Siddha, Tambaram Sanatorium, Chennai – 600 047 on or before 30/09/2013.

Please visit for details and application format.

Madhya Pradesh Road Development Corporation (MPRDC) Limited 
16-A, Arera Hills,Bhopal - MP (India)

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the posts of Assistant General Manager (Technical) for field Offices on contract basis for fix tenure of 3 (Three) years :
Assistant General Manager (AGM) (Technical) : 20 posts (UR-10, OBC-3, SC-4, ST-3),
 Pay  : Rs.  40000/- per month
Application Fee :  For Unreserved and OBC category candidates, Rs.500/- only payable through demand draft in favour of MD, MPRDC, Bhopal. No application fee is chargeable from SC/ ST/ handicapped category candidates having M.P. domicile.

How to Apply : Application in the prescribed  format along with requisite attested copies of certificates in support of age, qualification, experience, caste certificate, MP domicile certificate(if any) and application fee in the form of Demand Draft should reach to the Chief General Manager (Admin.) MPRDC, 16-A, Arera Hills, Bhopal - 462011 (MP) on or before 05/09/2013 up to 3.00

Please visit for details and application format. (on main page)

State Farms Corporation of India (SFCI) Limited
(A Government of India Undertaking)
" Farm Bhawan", 14-15, Nehru Place, New Delhi - 110019

State Farms Corporation of India Limited invites applications from Indian Nationals for filling up the following posts on direct recruitment basis :
Assistant General Manager (Marketing)/ Manager (Marketing) : 02 posts (OBC)
Management Trainee (Human Resource Management) : 03 posts (UR-1, OBC-1, SC-1)
Assistant (HR)  Gr.I : 04 posts (UR-2, OBC-1, SC-1)
Application Fee : The candidates belonging to General and OBC category are advised to enclose DD/ Banker’s Cheque of Rs. 500/- in favour of State Farms Corporation of India Limited payable at New Delhi towards application fees. SC/ST/ physically challenged candidates are exempted from application fee.

How to Apply :  Application in prescribed format complete in all respects along with attested copies of Certificates/ Testimonials should be sent to the General Manager (HR) at the above mentioned address by post/ courier on or before  23/09/2013.

Please view details and application format.

MOIL Limited 
(Formerly Manganese Ore (India) Limited) (A Govt. Undertaking)
MOIL Bhawan, 3, Mount Road Extension, Nagpur - 440001 (Maharashtra)

Requires for its Mines situated in the State of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra :
Winding Engine Driver Gr. I : 15 posts (UR- )7, OBC-4, SC-3, ST-1),
 Age : 35 years,
Pay Scale : Rs. 11100 - 20100
 Application Fee : Demand draft for Rs.50/- (not required for SC/ST/PH candidates) drawn in favour of MOIL Limited, Nagpur .

How to Apply :  Application in the prescribed format should be send on or before 20/09/2013.

Complete detail  and application form is available at  Recruitment Page at MOIL website at

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Senior Resident (Surgery)
Lal Bahadur Shastri Hospital

Postal Code: 110091
Pay Scale: PB -3 ( Rs. 15600-39100) p.m. + Rs. 6600(GP) + other allowances as applicable under the Residency scheme.
Educational Requirements: Recognized post graduate Degree/Diploma from a recognized university and registered with Delhi Medical Council and the candidate must not have completed 03 years Senior Residency in any hospital in India.
No of Post: 05
How To Apply: Candidates should satisfy themselves regarding eligibility for applying to the posts of SR/JR and submit the applications in the prescribed format complete in all respects to the Medical Superintendent, Lal Bahadur Shastri Hospital Delhi. The last date of receipt of application is 09.09.2013 upto 02:00 p.m.
Date of Interview: 23.09.2013
Last Date: 09.09.2013
Details will be available at:

Management Trainees Finance & Accounts
Instrumentation Limited

Address: Dy. Manager (P&A), Instrumentation Limited, Kanjikode West
Postal Code: 678623
City Palakkad
State Kerala
Pay Scale: Rs.12,000/-
Educational Requirements: ACA/AICWA (ACMA).
No of Post: 02
How To Apply: Interested candidates should apply in the prescribed application form obtainable from the Dy. Manager (P&A), Instrumentation Limited, Kanjikode West – 678 623, Palakkad, Kerala within 15 days from the publication of this advertisement by furnishing a non-refundable Demand Draft of Rs. 100/- drawn on any Nationalized Bank payable at Palakkad, favouring Instrumentation Limited, along with self addressed and stamped (Rs. 5/-) envelope of size 26cm x 12cm. SC/ST/PH persons are exempted from application fee on production of relevant certificate. The completed applications should reach within 30 days of publication of this advertisement.
Last Date: 16.09.2013
Age Limit: 28 Years
Details will be available at:

Project Assistant
National Research Centre for Grapes (NRCG)

Postal Code: 412307
Pay Scale: Rs. 8000/- Per Month Consolidated
Educational Requirements: M.Sc. in Microbiology / Agricultural Microbiology.
Date Posted: 08/19/2013
Experience Requirements: Identification of yeast strains, maintenance of cultures and fermentation practices along with publication will be preferred.
No of Post: One
How To Apply: The eligible candidates may appear for ‘Walk in Interview’ on 26/08/2013 at 10:00 am sharp at the office of NRC for Grapes, Pune (situated 16 Kms. away from Pune Railway station in Solapur Road) along with Original & Attested testimonials and the applications in the given proforma
 (a) Name of the Candidate,
 (b) Name of the Institute where the candidate is working now,
 (c) Postal Address,
 (d) Post held at present indicating whether on temporary/permanent basis
 (e) Date of Birth
 (f) Educational Qualifications giving details of examinations passed from Matriculation onwards,
 (g) Details of Technical/Other qualifications,
 (h) Whether SC/ST/OBC etc.
Date of Interview: 26/08/2013 at 10:00 am sharp
Age Limit: 30 years for both men and women
Details will be available at:

Assistant Professor (Physics)
University of Delhi

Postal Code: 110021
Pay Scale: PB-III of Rs. 15600-39100 with Academic Grade Pay Rs. 6000 /- plus usual allowances as admissible under the rules of University of Delhi from time to time.
Educational Requirements: 1. Good academic record with at least 55% (50% for candidates belonging to SC/ST person with Disability viz physically and visually disabled or those who passed their Master’s degree prior to 19-09-1991 and hold a Ph.D degree) or an equivalent grade of B in the 7 point scale with letter grades O, A, B, C, D, E & F at the Master’s degree level in the relevant subject from an Indian University or an equivalent degree from a foreign University.
 2. Candidates must have qualified the National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted by the UGC/CSIR or a similar test accredited by the UGC (state level eligibility testSLET/SET).
No of Post: 08
How To Apply: Applications on the prescribed form must reach the Principal, Maitreyi College New Delhi-110021 on or before 16.09.2013 complete in all respect with self attested copies of certificates, mark sheets, testimonials etc., alongwith a demand draft of Rs. 250/- (for General/OBC) and Rs. 100/- (for SC/ST/ Pwd) in favor of the Principal, Maitreyi College.
Last Date: 16.09.2013
Details will be available at:

Rajasthan Financial Corporation (RFC) 
(A Govt. of Rajasthan Undertaking)
Udyog Bhawan, Tilak Marg, C-Scheme, Jaipur - 302005

Recruitment of Assistant Managers  in Rajasthan Financial Corporation :
Assistant Manager : 13 posts (IT-7, Law-3, Technical-2, CA-1),
 Pay Scale : Rs. 9300 - 34800 grade pay Rs. 4800/-,
 Age : 18-25 years as on 27/09/2013.
How to Apply: Apply Online on or before 27/08/2013 only.

For further details and online application form format, please visit

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Himachal Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (HPPCL) 
(A Himachal Pradesh State Government Undertaking) 
Himfed Bhawan, Panjri, (Below Old MLA Quarters), Shimla-171005.

Engagement of Apprentice Trainees

The HPPCL intends to engage unemployed youth of Himachal Pradesh for a period of one year only (without any extension whatsoever) subject to the fulfillment of the following conditions :
Apprentice Engineer : 33 Posts in various disciplines
Apprentice Executive : 11 Posts in various disciplines
Apprentice Junior Engineer : 10 Posts in various disciplines
Apprentice (Geologist) : 05 Posts
Apprentice Engineer : 33 Posts in various disciplines
Apprentice (R&R) : 05 Posts
Apprentice (Company Secretary) : 01 Post
How to Apply : Apply Online at HPPCL website on or before 31/08/2013 only.

Please visit for details and online submission of application.

  National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management (NIFTEM)
 (Ministry of Food Processing Industries) 
 Plot No.97, Sector-56,
 HSIIDC Industrial Estate,
 District Sonipat,

 NIFTEM invites application on prescribed format from interested candidates to fill up the following posts on  rolling bassis :
 Lab In-charge : 06 posts,
 Age : 35 years,
 Pay Scale : Rs.9300-34800 grade pay Rs. 4200/-
Lab Technician : 06 posts,
 Age : 35 years,
Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 grade pay Rs. 2800/-
How to Apply : Since this is a rolling vacancy, there is no last date, however, Interested candidates should send their complete CV with prescribed proforma at the following address : Registrar, NIFTEM Plot No.97, Sector-56, HSIIDC Industrial Estate, Kundli-131028, District Sonipat, Haryana  on or before 22/08/2013 for first batch and candidates can send their applications on or before 22/09/2013 for second batch, 22/10/2013 for third batch, 22/11/2013 for fourth batch, 22/12/2013 for fifth group, 22/01/2014 for sixth group, and 22/02/2014 for last batch.

  Details available :  for detailed information and application format.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Project Fellow
Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya

Postal Code: 495009
State C.G
Educational Requirements: BE / B.Tech./ equivalent degree in Civil Engg. with at least 60% marks.
Qualifications: ME / M.Tech. or equivalent degree in Structural Engineering/related field with at least 60% marks 2) Candidates with GATE qualification / Research Experience shall be preferred.
How To Apply: Interested & eligible candidates can appear in the interview along with their original mark sheets, certificates, degree & other relevant documents in support of their credentials. No TA/DA shall be paid to the applicants.
Date of Interview: 12th August’ 2013
Details will be available at:

Steel Authority of India

Address: Durgapur Steel Plant
Postal Code: 713205
City Durgapur
State West Bengal
Pay Scale: Rs.7500/- per month on attendance basis
Employment Type: Training
Educational Requirements: B.Sc. / Diploma in General Nursing & Midwifery
Qualifications: Internship Certificate
No of Post: 40 Posts
How To Apply: Sealed envelope containing filled-in applications on a plain paper, containing the following information regarding: Name of candidate, age, date of birth, address, telephone, passport size photograph, name of nursing training institute, year-wise details of B.Sc./ GNM exams (year, total and acquired marks, percentage) clearly super scribing “Application – Interview for Proficiency Training of Nurses at DSP Hospital” along with an undertaking (Annexure-A) should be submitted to AGM (P&A-M&HS), DSP Main Hospital, Durgapur, West Bengal, Pincode:713205 latest by 17th August, 2013 (within 5:00 PM). E-mails/Fax correspondences will not be entertained. Durgapur Steel Plant will not be responsible for any postal delay/wrong delivery/ non-delivery of communication at any stage of the recruitment process.
Last Date: 17th August, 2013
Age Limit: 30 Years
Details will be available at:

Electrical Engineer
United Bank of India

Address: Head Office 11 Hemant Basu Sarani
Postal Code: 700001
City Kolkata
State West Bengal
Pay Scale: As applicable in the Public Sector Banks for JMG Scale-I to TEG Scale VI.
Educational Requirements: Degree in Engineering in Electrical with minimum 75% or equivalent CGPA from AICTE approved institution.
Date Posted: 08/06/2013
No of Post: 04 Posts
How To Apply: Candidates are required to apply on-line through website No other means/mode of application will be accepted.
Last Date: 24.08.2013
Age Limit: 20-35 Years
Details will be available at:

Administrative Assistant
Administration of Dadra and Nagar Haveli

Address: Mission Director (NRHM), 1st Flooor Secretariat
Postal Code: 396230
City Silvassa
State Dadra & Nagar Haveli
Pay Scale: Rs. 20000/- per month
Educational Requirements: Graduate with Basic Knowledge of Computer
No of Post: 01
How To Apply: Eligible candidate can apply by sending their application along with one set of attested photocopy of education qualification and experience relevant to the post should reach in the office of the Mission Director(NRHM), 1st Flooor Secretariat, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Silvassa -396230 on or before 16.08.2013 upto 1.00 P.M. Application received after due date will not considered. The date of interview shall be on 17.08.2013 in the office of Mission Director(NRHM), 1st Flooor Secretariat, Silvassa-396230. from 2.00 P. M onwards .No TA / DA will be admissible to the candidate coming for interview. Application(s) can be rejected by the Recruitment committee if found not falling in the required criteria or without assigning any reason the selection process can be terminated.
Last Date: 16.08.2013
Details will be available at:

Chief Finance Officer (Finance and Accounts Department)
Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs

Address: Manager (HR), Indian Institute Of Corporate Affairs, 2nd Floor, Paryavaran Bhavan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road
Postal Code: 110003
City New Delhi
State Delhi
Pay Scale: Pay Band 4(37,400- 67000)+Grade Pay Rs.8700
Educational Requirements: 15 years of experience in managerial and administrative capacity in Govt. or in Public or in Private sector. For those in Govt. / P.S.U employment-officers holding analogous posts
Experience Requirements: Having experience in Corporate Affairs, or in managing of academic institutions of repute.
No of Post: 01
How To Apply: The interested candidates may send their applications in the prescribed Format of application, duly completed; giving complete bio-data accompanied by the attested copies of the certificates/ testimonials/OBC certificate, along with experience certificates.
Last Date: 16.9.2013
Details will be available at:

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Resident Engineer GR-I
Projects & Development India Limited (PDIL)

Address: PDIL Bhawan, A-14, Sector - 1, Gautam Buddh Nagar
Postal Code: 201301
City Noida
State UP
Pay Scale: Rs. 37000/-
Educational Requirements: Engineering Degree in : Instrumentation & Control Applied Instrumentation Electronics & Instrumentation Electronics, Instrumentation & Control Electronics & Communication Electronics & Telecommunication Instrumentation Electrical & Electronics Electrical
Qualifications: Combination of these related disciplines.

No of Post: 01
How To Apply: Candidate has to apply online only. No manual/paper application will be entertained.While applying, the applicant must ensure that he/she fulfills the eligibility and other norms mentioned above, as on the specified dates. In case it is detected at any stage of recruitment/selection that a candidate does not fulfill the eligibility norms and/or that he/she has furnished any incorrect information or has suppressed any material fact(s), his/her candidature will automatically stand cancelled. If any of the above discrepancy(s) is/are detected even after appointment, his/her services are liable to be terminated without any notice.
Last Date: 28th August, 2013
Age Limit: 47 Years
Details will be available at:

Scientific Assistant
Electronics Corporation of India Limited

Address: Electronics Corporation of India Limited PO.ECIL
Postal Code: 500062
City Hyderabad
State AP
Pay Scale: Rs. 12000/- & 12450/- during 1st & 2nd year respectively
Educational Requirements: A first class Diploma in Engineering with at least 60% aggregate marks from any institution recognized by the State Board of Technical Education in Electrical / Computers / IT / Instrumentation / Electronics and Communication. Should have post qualification experience in the field of Testing / Maintenance of Control & Instruments / Electronics & Communication / Computers.
Experience Requirements: 1 yrs.

No of Post: 02
How To Apply: Eligible candidates may appear for interview by filling the application form given below along with all original certificates pertaining to qualifications, experience, proof of date of birth, caste etc., along with one set of photocopies and recent passport size colour photograph. Walk-in-interview will be organized at ECIL, HYDERABAD on 18.08.2013 (Sunday) from 1000 hrs. to 1600 hrs.
Date of Interview: 18.08.2013
Age Limit: 25 Years
Details will be available at:

Industrial Trainee (Finance)
Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited (NLC)

Address: Neyveli House”, 135 Periyar E.V.R. High Road, Kilpauk
Postal Code: Tamil Nadu
City Chennai
State 10
Pay Scale: Rs. 7,500/- per month (Consolidated)
Educational Requirements: Pass in Intermediate Examination of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) (or) Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India (ICWAI).

No of Post: 40
How To Apply: Interested candidates meeting the above requirements may Walk-in for an Interview at 10.00 Hrs. on 13/08/2013 at “Neyveli House”, 135 Periyar E.V.R. High Road, Kilpauk, Chennai – 10 along with all the original certificates including community certificate, a set of Photostat copy of all the certificates and Bio-Data in the prescribed format (Model form available at
Last Date: 13/08/2013
Age Limit: 28 Years
Details will be available at:

Junior Resident
Chacha Nehru Bal Chikitsalaya

Address: Chacha Nehru Bal Chikitsalaya, Geeta Colony
Postal Code: 110031
City New Delhi
State Delhi
Pay Scale: Rs.15600-39100 + (G.P) 5400 p.m. + other allowances as admissible under the rules.
Educational Requirements: M.B.B.S. Degree with internship completion certificate.
No of Post: 09
How To Apply: The candidates while appearing for interview will produce all relevant original documents alongwith one number of attested photocopies of all testimonial / certificates and one passport size photograph.
Date of Interview: 12-08-2013 at 10.30 AM
Details will be available at:

Field Assistant
Tropical Forest Research Institute

Address: Tropical Forest Research Institute, P.O.-R.F.R.C., Mandla Road
Postal Code: 482021
City Jabalpur
State Madhya Pradesh
Pay Scale: Rs.7,000/- P.M.(Fixed Without HRA)
Educational Requirements: First class Forestry/ Agriculture/ Zoology./Botany
Experience Requirements: 1) Experience of field work related to subject area of project. 2) Basic Knowledge of computer and biostatistics.
No of Post: 01
How To Apply: Eligible interested candidates are required to appear for walk-in interview on 12 th August,2013 at 10.00 AM in the Office of the the Director alongwith their applications giving full biodata including address for communication with attested copies of degree certificates and one passport size photograph etc. which may be produced at the time of interview. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. if required, the walk-in-interview shall continue on 13-08-2013 at 10-00 AM onwards also.
Last Date: 12th August,2013
Details will be available at:

Nutrionist / Dieticians cum Counselor for CHC Khanve
Administration of Dadra and Nagar Haveli

Address: Mission Director (NRHM), 1st Flooor Secretariat
Postal Code: 396230
City Silvassa
State Dadra & Nagar Haveli
Pay Scale: Rs. 20000/- per month (Consolidated)
Educational Requirements: Master Degree in Home Science/Home Economics with specialization in Food and Nutrition of a recognized university or equivalent
Qualifications: B.Sc (Home Science/ Home Economics) with Nutrition as a special subject from a recognized university or equivalent with post-graduate Diploma in Dietetics from a recognized institution and one year’s practical experience in Dietitics.
No of Post: 01
How To Apply: Eligible candidate can apply by sending their application along with one set of attested photocopy of education qualification and experience relevant to the post should reach in the office of the Mission Director(NRHM), 1st Flooor Secretariat, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Silvassa -396230 on or before 16.08.2013 upto 1.00 P.M. Application received after due date will not considered. The date of interview shall be on 17.08.2013 in the office of Mission Director(NRHM), 1st Flooor Secretariat, Silvassa-396230. from 2.00 P. M onwards .No TA / DA will be admissible to the candidate coming for interview. Application(s) can be rejected by the Recruitment committee if found not falling in the required criteria or without assigning any reason the selection process can be terminated.
Last Date: 16.08.2013
Details will be available at:

Chief Cane Deve. Officer (Chief Agriculture Officer)
Maa Mahamaya Sahakari Shakkar Karkhana Mydt. Ambikapur Vill. Kerta

Address: Village-Kerta, Post-:Khadgawa, Pratappur Road
Postal Code: 495223
City Surajpur
State Chhattisgarh
Pay Scale: Rs. 25000.00
Educational Requirements: (Agr./Bio.) & 5yrs. Exp. As a C.C.D.O./Cane Manager OR (Agr./Bio.) 10yrs exp. Dy.C.C.D.O. in Sugar Industry.
No of Post: 01
How To Apply: Details of vacancy may be seen on our Web Site.
Last Date: 22/08/2013
Details will be available at:

Labour Officer
Maa Mahamaya Sahakari Shakkar Karkhana Mydt. Ambikapur Vill. Kerta

Address: Village-Kerta, Post-:Khadgawa, Pratappur Road
Postal Code: 495223
City Surajpur
State Chhattisgarh
Pay Scale: Rs. 10000.00
Educational Requirements: M.A. Sociology /Social work, L.L.B. Will be preferd & 5 yrs exp. in Sugar Fectory Labour Welfare Section/Time Office Section
No of Post: 01
How To Apply: Details of vacancy may be seen on our Web Site.
Last Date: 22/08/2013
Details will be available at:

Bobcards Limited
Baroda House, Behind Dewan Shopping Centre
S V Road, Jogeshwari (West), Mumbai - 400102

Recruitment of Officer in Cadre F Based on CWE RRB Officers’ Scale I Held in September 2012

 BOBCARDS Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Bank of Baroda. The company is in the business of Credit Cards, Merchant acquiring & managing Debit Card support service for Bank of Baroda. To add further strength to its core management team, BobCards  require Officers (Grade F) for its Mumbai Corporate Office / Area Offices for handling day to day operational functions related to Credit Card Industry of the Company :
Officer : 135 posts,
 Age : 18-35 years on 01/06/2013,
Pay Scale : Rs.10270-14520,
 Qualification : Graduation in any discipline.
Application Fee :  Rs.150/- (Rs.30/- for SC/ST) to be paid online.

How to Apply :  Apply Online at BobCards website from 07/08/2013 to 30/08/2013 only.

Please visit for details and Online submission of application.

CanFin Homes Ltd.
(Sponsor : Canara Bank)
No. 29 / 1, I Floor, Sir M N  Krishna Rao Road, Basavangudi, Bangalore - 560004

Can Fin Homes Ltd. invites applications from the eligible candidates for appointment of following posts in different of India :
Manager : 10 posts,
 Age : 25-40 years awww.canfinhomes.coms on 01/08/2013,
 Pay Scale : Rs.20060-29660.
Application Fee : The requisite fee/postage of Rs.200/- must be paid by means of a crossed Demand Draft payable at Bangalore favouring “Can Fin Homes Ltd.”.

How to Apply : Applications in the prescribed format should reach the following address on or before 31/08/2013

The Asst. General Manager – HRM, Can Fin Homes Ltd., Registered Office: No.29/1, Ist floor, Sir. M N Krishna Rao Road, Basavangudi, Bangalore – 560004, Karnataka State

Please view  for details and application format is available at

Friday, August 9, 2013

Assistant Manager - IT
Repco Bank

Address: Repco Bank Ltd., P.B.No.1449, Repco Tower , 33, North Usman Road, T.Nagar
Postal Code: 600017
City Chennai
State Tamil Nadu
Pay Scale: Rs. 14,500 to Rs. 25,700
Educational Requirements: BE / B Tech (4 Year Full Time Degree Course) with minimum 60 % marks in Computer Science/ Information Technology / Electronics & Telecommunication / Electronics & Communication / Electronics & Instrumentation
Qualifications: MCA / DOEACC B level or Post Graduate in Computer Science/ Information Technology / Electronics & Tele Communications/ Electronics & Communication/ Electronics & Instrumentation with minimum 60% marks from a recognized University/Institute recognized by Govt. Of India
Experience Requirements: Minimum experience 2 years in the cadre not less than Junior Assistant in Banks/ Financial Institutions/ Undertakings in IT field or IT experience in banking domain or equivalent thereto in

No of Post: 05 Posts
How To Apply: Candidates who satisfy the eligibility norms should submit their application in Bio – data form in English; typed on thick A4 size sheet, with one recent passport size photograph affixed on the application on the top right hand corner and indicating prominently in Bold lettersthe post for which he/she is applying at the Top. The format of the Application Form is available at Bank’s Web-site.
Last Date: 20.08.2013
Age Limit: 23-30 Years
Details will be available at:

Assistant Manager (Marketing)
Kerala Agro Machinery Corporation Limited

Address: Managing Director, Kerala Agro Machinery Corpn. Ltd., Athani –P.O., Aluva
Postal Code: 683585
City Ernakulam
State Kerala
Pay Scale: Rs. 22360-560-24040-620-27140-680-29860-750-32860-820-36140-900-37940
Educational Requirements: B. Tech in Agricultural/ Mechanical/Automobile Engineering from a recognised University with minimum 60% marks with M.B.A specialised in Marketing
Experience Requirements: Minimum three years experience, out of which two years experience in Marketing

No of Post: 03
How To Apply: Interested candidates desiring to grow with the Company may apply in confidence furnishing all essential details of qualifications, experience, age, caste etc, along with a passport size photograph and copies of testimonials. Applications unaccompanied by sufficient proof will be rejected. Those employed in Government / Quasi Government industries/PSU shall apply through proper channel. Applications should reach the Managing Director, Kerala Agro Machinery Corpn. Ltd., Athani –P.O. – 683 585, Aluva, Ernakulam District, Kerala on or before 26.08.2013.
Last Date: 26.08.2013
Age Limit: 40 Years
Details will be available at:

Technical/Secretarial Assistant
Panjab University

Address: Department of Zoology, Panjab University, Chandigarh
City Chandigarh
State Punjab
Pay Scale: Rs. 10,000=00 per month
Educational Requirements: Graduate from any recognized university having the knowledge of various computer software used in writing the book, project reports etc.
Qualifications: Preference will be given to the candidate having certificate course in data entry/advance diploma in computer applications and experience in this regard supported by documents..
Date Posted: 07/07/2013
Details will be available at:
How To Apply: Applications should be sent to Panjab University office. Send your fully filled applications to Principal Investigator Department of Zoology Panjab University Chandigarh
Last Date: 16-8-2013

Risk Management Officer
United Bank of India

Address: 6th floor, United Tower Head Office, United Bank of India 11, Hemanta Basu Sarani
Postal Code: 700001
City Kolkata
State West Bengal
Pay Scale: Based On Experience.
Educational Requirements: 60% marks in Graduation/Post Graduation in Statistics/Economics or MBA from Recognized University / Institute for candidates applying against posts in Scale I to III.
Qualifications: Graduate or Post Graduate with minimum 55% of marks in either Graduation or Post Graduation from a recognized university / Institute for candidates applying against posts in Scale-V & VI.
Experience Requirements: i) For candidates applying against post in JMG Scale I – No post qualification experience is required
ii) For candidates applying against post in MMG Scale II - Minimum 3 years of post qualification experience in the field of Risk Management or 3 years experience of working as an officer in a Bank / Financial Institution in Risk Management.
3) For candidates applying against post in MMG Scale III - Candidates should be in the rank of Scale II or equivalent having minimum of 5 years experience in the field of Risk Management.
4) For candidates applying against post in SMG Scale V - Applicants should be presently working as Chief Manager in any PSB/Private Sector Banks having minimum experience of 15 years. The candidate should have total work exposure of 5 years in Risk Management with minimum 1 year experience as Chief Manager (Risk Management).
5) For candidates applying against post in TEG Scale VI : Applicants should be presently working as AGM in any PSB/Private Sector Bank having minimum period of service of 3 years as AGM. The candidate should have 20 years of banking experience and out of which 2 years in Risk Management Department and 1 year as AGM, Risk Management.
Details will be available at:
No of Post: 09 Posts
How To Apply: Candidates are required to apply on-line through website No other means/mode of application will be accepted.
Last Date: 24.08.2013
Age Limit: 21-50 Years

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Odisha Public Service Commission (OPSC)
19, Dr. P.K. Parija Road, Cuttack-753001 (Odisha)

Online applications are invited from candidates for recruitment to the following posts of Assistant Fisheries Officer in Group-B as per relevant provisions of the Odisha Fisheries Service :
Assistant Fisheries Officer : 143 posts,
Pay Scale : Rs. 9300 - 34800 grade pay Rs. 4600/-,
Age Limit : 21-44 years of age as on 01/01/2013.
Application fee : Rs.200/- (No fee from SC/ST/PH candidates only) to be paid only in State Bank of India through a payment challan.

How to Apply : Apply Online at OPSC website on or before 11.59 pm at 27/08/2013.

Please visit for detailed information and Online submission of application.

Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (MNNIT)
Allahabad-211004 (UP)

Recruitment for the posts of Librarian/ Senior Medical Officer/ Medical Officers and Assistant Registrars
Applications are invited for the following posts in MN NIT Allahabad :
Librarian : 01 post
Senior Medical Officer : 01 post
Medical Officers : 02 posts
Assistant Registrar : 06 posts
Application Fee :  Application fees in the form of demand draft of Rs.500/- for UR & OBC [Non - Creamy layer] candidates only in favour of Director, MNNIT Allahabad payable at Allahabad.

How to Apply :  The completed application form along with all the supporting documents and application fee in the form of demand draft must reach the following address latest by 30/08/2013.

The Registrar, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Allahabad - 211004 (UP)

Please view  for details and application format.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Project Digital Library Technical Assistant
National Institute of Technology Calicut (NIT Calicut)

Address: National Institute of Technology Calicut NIT Campus P.O.
Postal Code: 673601
City Calicut
State Kerala
Pay Scale: Rs. 12,000/-
Educational Requirements: 1.Three year Diploma in Computer Science 2. Knowledge of installation, management and maintenance of operating system like Window, Linux, etc. 3. Two year working experience
Qualifications: 1. Knowledge of any Library software, server configuration, etc. 2. Any other higher qualification 3. Working experience in a Digital Library
Date Posted: 08/05/2013
Details will be available at:
How To Apply: Interested candidates with specified qualifications may report for the interview at their own expenses in the office of the National Institute of Technology Calicut with all certificates and portfolios in original and copy. Degree/Diploma from Government /Government recognized Institutions will only be accepted. No TA/DA will be paid.
Date of Interview: 14.08.2013

Junior Technicians
National Institute of Health and Family Welfare (NIHFW)

Address: National Institute of Health and Family Welfare (NIHFW), Baba Gang Nath Marg, Munirka
Postal Code: 110067
City New Delhi
State Delhi
Pay Scale: Rs.25,000/- - Rs.30,000/- p.m.
Educational Requirements: Diploma / ITI in Refrigeration / Electrical / instrumentation engineering
Qualifications: Preference will be given to candidates with experience in training / skill development of refrigerator mechanics. Candidates with experience in immunization programme of Government of India will have an added advantage.
Experience Requirements: At least 5 years’ experience in refrigeration /air conditioning sector, including servo stabilizers, control panels and generator.
No of Post: 02
How To Apply: Interested candidates may appear for a Walk-in-Interview on above dates and time in the Office of the Director, NIHFW, New Delhi along with detailed CV as per proforma enclosed. Please bring attested copies of age proof, qualifications and experience certificates and original certificates for verification. Candidates working in Govt /Semi Govt organizations must produce NOC of their employer. There will be Skill test for Software Programmer-cumData Analyst and Programme Assistant.
Last Date: 29th August, 2013
Age Limit: 45 Years
Details will be available at:

Assistant General Manager
RailTel Corporation of India Limited

Address: Group General Manager/HR, RailTel Corporation of India Ltd., Plot No.143, Sector-44
City Gurgaon
State Haryana
Pay Scale: Rs.29,100- Rs.54,500
Educational Requirements: Working in the same grade, Or, Working in Senior Scale with GP.Rs.6600/-
Qualifications: Working in Gr.'B' with GP.Rs.4800/- and having total 4 years Gazetted service.
No of Post: 06 Posts
How To Apply: The format of application is appended as Annexure-‘A’. Willing and eligible officers should apply through proper channel. Their applications duly forwarded by their cadre controlling authorities, certifying the entries, alongwith attested copies of ACRSs/APARs for the last 5 years, Integrity certificate and Vigilance clearance, should reach RailTel Corporation at the given address.
Last Date: 16.08.2013
Age Limit: 55 Years
Details will be available at:

Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC) Limited
(A Govt. of India Enterprise)

Recruitment of Graduate Engineer Trainee (GET) -2013  for the candidates who are GATE-2013 qualified.  Candidates can apply online at DVC website for following posts (Final year student can also apply, whose final result is yet to come) :

Graduate Engineer Trainee (GET) : 37 posts (Electrical-20, Civil-9, Control & Instrumentation - 8), Age : 29 years as on 01/07/2013,
Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 Grade Pay Rs. 5640
Application Fee :  Rs.300/- (No fee for SC/ST/PH/DVC candidates) to be paid in any branch of SBI  through a payment challan to be printed from DVC website.

How to apply: Eligible and interested candidates can apply Online at DVC website from 13.00 hrs  10/08/2013 to 24.00 hrs on 26/08/2013 only.

Read carefully the detailed information and Online application form, please visit

South Bihar Power Distribution Company Limited (SBPDCL)
Vidyut Bhawan, Bailey Road, Patna, Bihar - 800021

Applications are invited from eligible Candidates for appointment to the post of Accounts Officer/ Accountant for Head offices and Field offices as per the details given below :
Accounts Officer : 40 posts,
 Pay : 32000-51000 per month consolidated
Accountant : 40 posts,
 Pay : Rs.22500-36000 per month consolidated
Age : 21-37 years

Application Fee :  Rs. 1000/- (SC/ ST of Bihar domicile, for whom it is Rs. 250/-) only  to be deposited in ch of State Bank of India through a system generated payment challan.

How to Apply :  Apply Online at  SBPDCL website from 04/08/2013 to 19/08/2013 only.  Print out of the system generated application form should be send to the Post Box No. 12026, Cossipore Post Office, Kolkata - 700002   latest by 26/08/2013.

Please visit  for details and application format.

West Bengal Power Development Corporation Limited (WBPDCL)
(A Govt. of West Bengal Enterprise)
Secretariat Buildings, 6th Floor, B-Block, 1, Kiran Sankar Roy Road, Kolkata–700001

The West Bengal Power Development Corporation Limited (WBPDCL), a premier Power Generating Company in West Bengal invites application for the following positions  :
Trainee - Operator / Technician : 175 posts (Fitter - 88, Electrician - 87)
Assistant Sub-Inspector (Security) : 36 posts
Nurse cum Midwife : 09 posts
Security Officer : 05 posts
Stenographer : 15 posts
Medical Officer : 02 posts
Assistant Teacher : 19 posts
Assistant Manager (Information Technology - IT) : 22 posts
Assistant Manager (Legal) : 01 post
Radiographer : 03 posts
Pharmacist : 01 post
Laboratory Technician : 02 posts
Librarian : 01 post
Application Fee : Demand Draft / Pay Order of Rs.300/-  only, to be drawn in favour of “THE WEST BENGAL POWER DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LIMITED” payable at Kolkata except SC/ ST/ EC/ Departmental Candidates/ Contractors workers candidates

How to Apply : Apply Online at WBPDCL website from 07/08/2013 to 06/09/2013 only.

Please visit  for details and online application format.

Insurance Corporation of India (LIC)
Northern Zonal Office, Tower-II, 11th Floor, Jeevan Bharti Building, Connaught Cicus,
 New Delhi -600002

Recruitment of Financial Service Executives (FSE)

Applications are invited from Indian Citizens for the 100 posts of Financial Service Executives (FSE) in Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC), Divisional Offices of Northern Zonal Office, Delhi on Contract basis for 3 years (renewable depending on the performance) under the jurisdiction of Zonal Office, Delhi  as per details below:
Financial Service Executives (FSE) :  100 posts,
 Qualification : Graduate from a recognised University. Preference will be given to the candidates having Degree /Diploma in Marketing/ Management. Good working knowledge of English and Hindi is must. Knowledge of Power Point/ Word / Excell will be added qualification.,
 Age : 21-35 years. Age relaxation as per rules., Selection Procedure : Selection will be based on the performance in the Interview.,
 Remuneration : A Financial Services Executive will be paid a fixed amount every month and incentives based on the yearly performance.
Application Fee : A crossed Demand Draft of Rs. 100/- drawn in favour of "Life Insurance Corporation of India" payable at Divisional Headquarter. SC/ST/PH candidates are not required to pay any fee. Name of candidates and date of birth should be written on the back of the DD.

How to Apply : Application Form completed in all respects with enclosures should be posted in a closed cover with a superscription on the cover “Engagement of Financial Services Executives, _________ Division, to the concerned Divisional office address on or before 21/08/2013.

The Sr. Divisional Manager, LIC of India, Divisional Office________

Please view  for details and application form.

(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
Rites Ltd.,Rites Bhawan,No-1,Sector-29,Gurgaon-122001

RITES Limited, a premier consultancy organization, requires following on Regular/ Contract basis  :
Civil Engineers (Assistant Resident Engineer - Quality) : 06 posts
Assistant Resident Engineer - Field : 10 posts
Assistant Manager (S&T) : 02 posts
Joint General Manager (Finance) : 02 posts
Dy. General Manager (Finance) : 05 posts
ARE Quality : 04 posts
Track Design Engineer : 01 post
How to Apply :  Apply Online at Rites website on or before 04/09/2013 only. Take print out of the system generated application form and  send it to the AGM (P)/ Rectt., RITES  Ltd., Rites Bhawan, Plot No. 1, Sector-29, Gurgaon - 122001   on or before  13/09/2013 from 10.00 onwards.

Please visit for details and  apply Online at  Career section of Rites website at

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

SJVN Limited 
(A Joint Venture of Govt. of India & Govt. of Himachal Pradesh)
(A Mini Ratna & Schedule ‘A’ PSU)   At
Himfed Building, New Shimla, Shimla (HP) - 171009

SJVN Limited is looking for young, energetic and promising professionals for following posts of Executive Trainees :
Executive Trainee : 136 posts (Civil-40, Mechanical-25, Electrical-30, Finance-13,  HR-11, Safety-4, Geology-5, Architecture-2, Company Secretary-1),
 Age : 30 years,
 Pay : Rs. 20600 per month and will be posted in the pay scale of Rs. 24900-50500 after successful completion of training.
Selection by written test on 06/10/2013.

How to Apply : Apply Online at SJVN website from 14/08/2013 to 04/09/2013 only.

For more information and online application format, please visit

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
Plot No. C4-A,'G' Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai-400051

Recruitment of Officer Grade A  (General Stream and Information Technology) – On Contract

SEBI invites applications from Indian citizens for the following posts :
Officer Grade-A : 75 posts (UR-39, OBC-19, SC-12, ST-5) (PWD-2)  on contract
Age :Not above 27 years as on 31/07/2017.

Pay Scale :  Rs. 17100-33200

Online examination on 15/09/2013.

How to Apply : Apply Online at SEBI website from 12/08/2013 to 26/08/2013 only.

Please visit  for all the details and online application format.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Associate Professor
Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha (SLBSRSV)

Address: Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha (Deemed University) Qutub Institutional Area
Postal Code: 110016
City New Delhi
State Delhi
Pay Scale: Rs.37400-67000 + AGP Rs.9000
Educational Requirements: (i) Good academic record with a Ph.D Degree in the concerned/allied/relevant discipline. (ii) A Master's Degree with at least 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed).
Experience Requirements: A minimum of eight years of experience of teaching and/or research in an academic/research position equivalent to that of Assistant Professor in a university, college or accredited research institution excluding the period of Ph.D. research with evidence of published work and a minimum of 5 publications as books and/or research/policy papers.
Details will be available at:
No of Post: 03
How To Apply: Application should be addressed to the “Assistant Registrar (Selection) – Recruitment Cell, Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha(Deemed to be University),B-4,Qutab Institutional Area, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg, New Delhi-110016″ in a closed cover super-scribing “Application for the post of ……………………………..” The Vidyapeetha shall not be responsible for any postal delay. The candidate will also be required to write his/her complete correspondence and permanent address with pin code numbers, telephone numbers, cell-phone numbers and e-mail ID.
Last Date: August 23, 2013